Recently, I've been reading a lot about the human immune system, and it is full of multiple systems and fail-safe checks. That's because the immune system has to be strong enough to fight a wide variety of infections with minimal damage to the body. Obviously, the immune system isn't perfect (it can't win against every pathogen every time, autoimmune diseases exist) but evolution sure favored multiple layers of defense against pathogens PLUS multiple systems to prevent the immune system from attacking the self.

TL;DR: Evolution is a prepper too.

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Great example! Redundancy is the way of biological systems at all scales. The brain can sustain massive damage, up to and including severing the hemispheres, and functions can sometimes reroute to different areas. Complex systems built ground up from distributed networks often display this kind of resilience. At least that's my nerdy way of thinking about this stuff.

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When you spoke on the action of being okay when you have completed what's within your control, your port hit on a critical life skill that I think is really important for building individual resiliency. Discussing what you had done preparing for forest fire, that step by step approach to make the existential at least daily manageable is something that has helped me navigate a lot of hardship. Taking those actionable steps and controlling with what's in your ability helps make the anxiety of just trying to survive less loud and scary and instead replaced with at a grounded sense of action. Taking action in those little ways is how i think you build some critical thinking with how you view yourself and the world around you as well.

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When it comes down to it, logical and reasonable prepping is insurance, really. We insure ourselves against "shit happens" so that it's not the end of the world when shit goes sideways. The next step is to understand how to expand on that, so that we control more of our lives. Rely less on others, so there is less chance of their shit affecting your life. It's what prompts me to write Adaptive Living.


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