I love your writing generally, but this piece was especially beautiful and moving. My grown children and I have been having long talks about how to live in this world and you've given me a lot to think about for that. Incidentally, I picked up The Sapling Cage at my local radical bookstore (Spartacus Books in Vancouver) and am looking forward to reading it.
This piece is especially welcome given the confusing and frustrating conversations going on on the left right now with regards to Syria. It's funny that so often I am sitting there with all these thoughts in my head trying to make sense of them, and a lot of the time you come along and plop a piece that just beautifully articulates the feelings that I am having and helping me disentangle them in my head.
Thank you for this. I have felt many similar things, but you put it into words and gave it clarity. We are on the precipice of a great unknown, and we truly have to band together and build something better out of the absolute chaos.
It’s heartening to know that there are so many others who are paying attention and seeing through the illusions that are pushed into our homes through mainstream media and propaganda.
Thank you for this incredible piece. I think I'm really focusing on your work right now, both because Kelly Hayes pointed to it after the election, but also because I'm so grossed out and disaffected by the genre world right now....and am eager to find other anarchist voices who write in genre. (I'm pretty sure I'm an anarchist....it's a journey of learning.) Anyway, very grateful for you.
I really needed to read this today . You so excellently described the feeling I had after the election: I was at once euphoric and unmoored, unmoored in the way that you describe—that anything can now happen; bad, yes, but also that anyone paying attention might see more clearly why a choice between two evils is less a choice and more an ultimatum. Good can definitely come out of that.
While the euphoria has lifted in the wake of continuing and accelerated US atrocities in the Middle East, there are moments of joy that are pregnant with possibility. The assassination of a blood-sucking CEO was right up there. Thank you.
Oh I love it when I somehow miss a word drop and it's here as a nice little surprise. TOO MANY GOOD QUOTES, ALWAYS, AND THAT LAST PATCH TOOK HOURS TO PRINT LETTER BY LETTER! Scoff. How dare you be amazing?!
Thank you. Thank you for everything, for you. For hope.
Bravo. "Unmoored" is perfect. I think my post this morning reflects that as well. I'm feeling let down by the Ds I worked so hard for, trying to suppress actual hate for those on the right who have caused what we're about to experience. All this lately feels like it's building rapidly to something very big, good or bad. We're all searching for a good, ethical, motivated young leader or movement to follow. I hope that's you or someone like you. It may have to come from the ruins, from the ashes of what they're about to burn down. Maybe these visitors will be our salvation. Something has to give.
I love your writing generally, but this piece was especially beautiful and moving. My grown children and I have been having long talks about how to live in this world and you've given me a lot to think about for that. Incidentally, I picked up The Sapling Cage at my local radical bookstore (Spartacus Books in Vancouver) and am looking forward to reading it.
Kind regards.
This piece is especially welcome given the confusing and frustrating conversations going on on the left right now with regards to Syria. It's funny that so often I am sitting there with all these thoughts in my head trying to make sense of them, and a lot of the time you come along and plop a piece that just beautifully articulates the feelings that I am having and helping me disentangle them in my head.
Thank you for this. I have felt many similar things, but you put it into words and gave it clarity. We are on the precipice of a great unknown, and we truly have to band together and build something better out of the absolute chaos.
It’s heartening to know that there are so many others who are paying attention and seeing through the illusions that are pushed into our homes through mainstream media and propaganda.
Thank you for this incredible piece. I think I'm really focusing on your work right now, both because Kelly Hayes pointed to it after the election, but also because I'm so grossed out and disaffected by the genre world right now....and am eager to find other anarchist voices who write in genre. (I'm pretty sure I'm an anarchist....it's a journey of learning.) Anyway, very grateful for you.
Thank you very much for your great article, which I have translated into German: https://www.trueten.de/archives/13491-Die-Zukunft-als-umkaempfter-Raum-oder-Wir-tragen-eine-neue-Welt-in-unseren-Herzen-und-andere-Klischees,-an-die-ich-von-ganzem-Herzen-glaube.html
I really needed to read this today . You so excellently described the feeling I had after the election: I was at once euphoric and unmoored, unmoored in the way that you describe—that anything can now happen; bad, yes, but also that anyone paying attention might see more clearly why a choice between two evils is less a choice and more an ultimatum. Good can definitely come out of that.
While the euphoria has lifted in the wake of continuing and accelerated US atrocities in the Middle East, there are moments of joy that are pregnant with possibility. The assassination of a blood-sucking CEO was right up there. Thank you.
further reading: anything by Peter gelderloos, especially "the failure of nonviolence" (all available on theanarchistlibrary.org)
Oh I love it when I somehow miss a word drop and it's here as a nice little surprise. TOO MANY GOOD QUOTES, ALWAYS, AND THAT LAST PATCH TOOK HOURS TO PRINT LETTER BY LETTER! Scoff. How dare you be amazing?!
Thank you. Thank you for everything, for you. For hope.
Bravo. "Unmoored" is perfect. I think my post this morning reflects that as well. I'm feeling let down by the Ds I worked so hard for, trying to suppress actual hate for those on the right who have caused what we're about to experience. All this lately feels like it's building rapidly to something very big, good or bad. We're all searching for a good, ethical, motivated young leader or movement to follow. I hope that's you or someone like you. It may have to come from the ruins, from the ashes of what they're about to burn down. Maybe these visitors will be our salvation. Something has to give.