Jun 19Liked by Margaret Killjoy

I REALLY REALLY wish it can come to Europe at some point...

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I'm sure it'll be available! Just haven't sorted out the distribution yet.

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I know, don't worry, I'm just excited!

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Jun 19Liked by Margaret Killjoy

This has me so excited for the book! I can't wait to see what happens.

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Jun 19Liked by Margaret Killjoy

I’m already crying and it’s only the first chapter 😭 this is going to be a masterpiece

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Jun 19Liked by Margaret Killjoy

And now we wait until fall. Such a tease! Thank you, though. The start is awesome. :)

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Jun 19Liked by Margaret Killjoy

Oh my gosh what a treat!!:)

Thanks Margaret!!

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Jun 19Liked by Margaret Killjoy

When I saw the Kickstarter blow up immediately I cried. I'm so happy for you and everyone that's helped you with this project!

Thank you so much for sharing the first chapter! That was so awesome!!! Ahhhhh I can't wait! It comes out a few days after my birthday so this will be the second year I get some of your work for it!

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I’ve been putting off reading this, because I know it’s just going to make me want more, and I’ll have to wait. But today I am home, fighting a cold, and really needed something to cheer me up.

It’s really beautiful, Margaret! My mind is already going in a million directions! Do the witches know, but are just not letting on? Who is this translucent witch in Lorel’s dreams? Lead mines? That sounds horrible! And, are all knights bastards?

So happy all the goals were met in kickstarter. Congrats to you!

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Can’t waaaaaaaaait!!!

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