I am currently reading about a group of Soviet scientists at the Institute of Plant Industry who — while their institute’s leader was in one of Stalin’s re-education camps! — guarded the world’s largest seed bank during the siege of Leningrad. They extinguished fire bombs and many of them died from starvation rather than eat the seeds they were devoted to protecting. There must have been people at the time questioning and furious about guarding seeds during a famine, but they believed so fervently that it was important for the future, for food security and for rebuilding. I think going ham on our maybe-misunderstood, maybe-niche interests is going to be so important in these harrowing times. We don’t have to agree or even understand everyone’s approach to resistance but we should support them through it. The future will need many kinds of people. And seeds. Always seeds.

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Would you mind sharing what you're reading about the institute of plant industry. I would love to know that story!

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The book I’m reading right now is The Forbidden Garden: The Botanists of Besieged Leningrad and Their Impossible Choice by Simon Parkin. I can’t wait to do a deep dive online after finishing the book!

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Margaret, you're the reason i look forward to Wednesdays.

I like thinking about the Greek anarchists as the stars in the sky. Like a sticky web that traps fascists, or a safety net that one could fall into in times of trouble.

I also like a queer (or straight), smutty punk rock anything. And that reminds me i have a feminazgul shirt that needs some tailoring.

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I was today years old when I learned who Diane di Prima is/ started in on her Revolutionary Letters. Thanks for this & all.

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it's so good, right?

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Book en route from City Lights but I've been watching her readings and YES. So good.

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her memoir Recollections of My Life As a Woman was soooo formative for me, can't recommend it enough!

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Thanks for the tip!

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Margaret, you are a bright light in a dark world. Thank you

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Thanks for always providing such a big, much-needed exhale. I'm going to share this piece with some of the Mamas from our secular homeschooling coop; we are struggling with what steps we should take. Sounds like the reading in Thomas was a success. I had wanted to make the drive out, hopefully next time.

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I just appreciate you so much. You’re still one of the wisest people I know, old friend. Thank you. 😊

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Hello everyone,

Thank you Margarete for the text, which once again underlines for me how important it is to use your own head and respect others in the fight for a positive social future.

Here again is my translation into German:


In Solidarity,


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Thank you for this. Just found your page (and what substack is in general...im not that old i swear...) and am really enjoying it so far. In my graduate studies, I've come across the idea of multiple utopias or "heterotopia" which seems similar to your ideas in this reading perhaps.

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